Chocolate massage
Chocolate massage - is a procedure aimed primarily at emotional pleasure, and only secondarily to prevent cellulite and general health of the skin. This happens due to the ability of chocolate to intensify venous blood flow, improve the functioning of the lymphatic system and stimulate the production of collagen - the protein responsible for the smartness of the skin. A fragrance in chocolate is even treatment. A fragrance rejuvenates and restores emotional balance.
Chocolate massage the face and body must be preceded by a mild cleansing of the skin, achieved in a sauna, and a deep relaxing massage of the muscles. It was only after a long preparation, the chocolate mass vigorously rubbed into the skin. Rest assured, after such massage, you will still be accompanied by a delicious chocolate’s aroma.
Due to the fact that the chocolate massage is not therapeutic, it can be held if he wants. Maybe you want to improve the appearance of your skin for you on the eve of a significant event, or just for pleasure. Especially because many salons chocolate massage completes special cosmetic skin rubbing chocolate cream (after a shower).
Of course, this massage is contraindicated for people with skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis of different origin, eczema, launched with acne), as well as having an allergy to oil, cocoa and chocolate itself.